Berita yang anda cari adalah berita negatif & berita yang positif, hanya itu...
Contoh berita di CNBC tgl 9 Feb 09 di
"Top News & Analysis"
| The Obama administration pushed back until Tuesday announcing the long-awaited bank rescue plan. o Buying Commercial, Mortgage Backed Securities |
- Stimulus Is Full of 'Pork Barrel Politics'
- GM in Talks to Take Back Part of Delphi: Report
- Bank Bonuses Plans Spark UK Officials' Anger
- Barclays Profit Tops Forecasts, but Bonuses Halved
- NYSE Euronext Profit Misses Expectations
- Nissan Forecasts Annual Loss, First Under CEO Ghosn
- Whirlpool Quarterly Profit Falls 76%
- Hasbro Profit Misses View as Sales Suffer
- Beazer Homes First Quarter Loss Narrows
- Rio's Leng Quits, Not to Become Next Chairman
- Latvia's Economy Shrinks 10.5% in Fourth Quarter
- Mortgage Rescue Plan May Involve Freddie, Fannie
- White House Seeks Final Passage of Rescue Plan
- For Bank of America and Merrill, Love Was Blind
Wah ini dia yang jadi masalah ? bagaimana kita bisa tahu dengan jelas kalau effect dari berita ini positif maupun negatif.
BalasHapussaat ini berita yang paling center mengenai stimulus Obama, jadi kalau stimulus ditolak konggres berarti berita jelek (negatif). kalau disetujui oleh konggres berarti positif. gitu aja..