Gratis..!! Workshop Trading Saham Amerika
Jumat, 2 Juli 2011 di H. IBIS Tamarin Jakarta.
Mulai Pk.15.00 – 22.00 ( durasi 7 jam )
Kesempatan emas bagi yang ingin belajar trading saham Amerika tanpa mengeluarkan biaya jutaan rupiah, Anda cukup mengganti biaya admin sebesar Rp 350rb saja…sebagai pengganti Dinner + Coffee break + CD Materi.
Kesempatan ini hanya diberikan kepada yg daftar dan lunas biaya admin sebelum 12 juni 2011.
Buruan daftar..!! ketik : nama/email/basic Jkt
kirim ke 0818 0301 9404
Info Lengkap…silahkan Klik di :
BalasHapusI hope this message finds you well,
My name is Neil; I'm the affiliate manager @
I saw that you are promoting few interesting offers,
So I'd like to take this opportunity and invite you to join
We offer an Extremely high commissions and the best service
I'll be more than happy to start working with you and
introduce to you few of our offers.
You can send me an email or add me to your Skype
(aff.binaryoffers) so we can discuss.
All the best my friend,